Friday Tipsheet: Obama @ Wmart Today (called ‘numbskull’) | Mom’s Love Amazon, Value Wmart
Happening Today: “Obama to promote energy efficiency at Wal-Mart appearance (labor not happy…calls Obama ‘numbskull’ !)” by Jim Kuhnhenn at AP via Star-Tribune. “Obama on Friday was to announce commitments from more than 300 companies and local and state governments to use solar energy technology…”What numbskull in the White House arranged this?” former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served in the Bill Clinton administration, said in a posting on Facebook on Thursday.” Read more
Walmart/Obama Release: “Obama and Walmart Team-Up on Solar Energy” “At an event with President Barack Obama, Walmart today announced that it will double the number of on-site solar energy projects at its U.S. stores, Sam’s Clubs and distribution centers by 2020. The commitment is part of Walmart’s global initiative to drive the production or procurement of 7 billion kWh of renewable energy by the end of 2020.” Read the release
“Roundy’s CEO Writes Off Meijer Expansion Plans in Milwaukee” by Stacy Vogel Davis at Milwaukee Bus. Journal. “When I see the first Meijer store has already been pushed back from ’14 to ’15, (that’s) pretty typical of what happens with them when they come into a marketplace,” he said, according to a transcript from the website Seeking Alpha. “They keep pushing it back. I don’t see them as particularly differentiated nor a major effect on the marketplace.” Read more
“Target replacing employee PDAs with iPod touch this summer” by Jordan Kahn at 9 to 5 Mac. “In the memo sent out to staff, Target explains that its old PDAs and LPDAs that employees are currently using have “reached the end of their lifespans— and they’re running a crazy quilt of dozens of applications that have been patched together over the years.” The company notes that its Store Operations team ran tests to find the best solution and ultimately settled on the iPod touch.” Read more
Happening Tomorrow: Home Depot’s EVP Marvin Ellison to Speak at University of Memphis Commencement See the program overview
“Publix quietly working on smaller prototype store?” by Anjali Fluker at Charlotte Bus. Journal. “Lakeland, Fla.-based Publix is said to be working on a new 20,000-square-foot prototype store that it could put into seaside communities and college towns.” Read more
“How I Shop at Costco without Paying for a Membership” by Jeffrey Strain at Saving Advice. “Costco has a gift card which they call the Costco Cash Card. If you are in possession of one of these gift cards, you can shop at any Costco warehouse store…Since I don’t have a membership, I can’t purchase them on my own. I either have to purchase them from somebody who I know who has a membership, or purchase them on a secondary market like eBay or Craigslist. Secondary market Costco gift cards actually cost more than their face value.” Read more
“Walmart Ranked #1 on Value With Women Who Have Children Under the Age of 18” “YouGov recently conducted a study among 6,000 women with children under the age of 18, asking for their perception of more than 20 popular retail chains. It asked the parents whether they think each retailer offers a good value for what they pay…Among more than 20 brands, Wal-Mart ranked first in purchase consideration, with 65 percent of parents saying they would consider the brand the next time they are shopping for footwear or apparel. The big-box discounter was followed by Target.” Read more
…Mom’s Rank #5 on ‘Best Perceived Brand’ Ranking (only retailer that made the cut) at You Gov. “Likely propelled by its highly-viral “Real Beauty” campaign, Dove debuted in the number one spot for this year’s 10 best perceived brand by mothers.” See the Top 10 List
“Canadian Tire ups digital ante, offers 90 per cent of products online” by Marina Strauss at Globe & Mail. “Known for years as a stodgy retailer with little digital savvy, Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd. is rapidly coming of age…“One important lesson is that when you have the talent in-house, you can do it more quickly and more cheaply,” Mr. Fulton said in an interview. “And if digital is going to be a huge strategic advantage for us, you never outsource a strategic differentiator.” Read more
“Sam’s CEO Rosalind Brewer Named to Working Mother’s Most Powerful Mom’s List” by Lauren R.D. Fox at Madame Noire. “With Mother’s Day on the horizon, Working Mother unveiled its Most Powerful Moms list. Only naming 50 members, the list included Beyonce, Tina Fey, Sheryl Sandberg and Shakira.” Read more
“Fred’s Cuts Outlook, Same-Store Sales Off Unexpected 2.3% in April” “The company’s revamped departments, “notably Hometown Auto & Hardware — continued to perform well,” Mr. Efird said. “However, these improvements were not sufficient to offset the sales shortfall in the other general merchandise departments.” Read more
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