Monday Tipsheet: Target: Clinics & Ellen | Wmart: GW | Amazon HQ ‘Protest’
Busy Earnings Week – Highlights:
11/18: Home Depot
11/19: Lowe’s, Target & Staples
11/20: Best Buy & Dollar Tree
“Target to offer primary care services in new clinic model” by Kavita Kumar at Star-Tribune. “The fact that Kaiser … will be staffing these clinics is a major departure for Target,” said Tom Charland, CEO of Shoreview-based Merchant Medicine, a retail clinic research and consulting firm. “Up until now, they felt their guests should be treated by Target employees.” Read more
“Bulk retailer Costco sees potential growth in demand for Australian produce in international outlets” by Catherine McAloon at ABC Rural. “Mr (Patrick) Noone says Costco is already the biggest seller of Australian lamb internationally and also sells large quantities of Australian beef overseas, while oranges from Griffith in New South Wales are sold in Costco outlets in the USA and Asia. Carrots and onions from Tasmania are sold in Costco outlets in Asia and there’s growing demand for South Australian abalone in Costco outlets internationally.” Read more
“Why Target Canada Won’t Have an Online Store Anytime Soon” by Daniel Tencer at HuffPo. “We know e-commerce needs to be part of our longer term strategy in Canada, but first we have to get the basics right,” Target spokesperson Eric Hausman told HuffPost Canada in an email. “We do have a small team looking at what it would take to develop a digital strategy in Canada, but we have nothing more to share at this time.” Read more
“Hundreds gather at Bentonville Walmart for book signing by former President Bush” by Kim Souza at The City Wire. “The book signing for “41: A Portrait of My Father,” took place at the Walmart Supercenter on Walton Boulevard after the former president was a special guest at the retailer’s monthly Saturday morning meeting at the corporate offices across street…The scene looked like a Black Friday event except for the higher security and individual searches conducted by the Secret Service.” Read more
“Ellen Goes Holiday Shopping At Target (Race for the Elsa life size doll)” “She went to pick up a few things for the holidays, and had some fun with Target shoppers!” See the video
“Protesting outside Amazon HQ, former employee asks current employees to stop working so hard” by Todd Bishop at GeekWire. “3) Don’t kill yourselves to keep the ship running. Slow down. Amazon will be fine…Oh, boy. Questioning the company’s business ethics is one thing, but urging employees to be less productive? It will be interesting to see how Amazon reacts.” Read more
“Home Depot data breach lawsuits rise to 39” by David Allison at Atlanta Bus. Chronicle. “A federal court agency known as the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation is scheduled to hold a hearing on Dec. 4 in Charleston, S.C., about how to possibly combine and litigate many of the cases as one combined court action.” Read more
“Review: I paid with mobile for a week, and here’s what I found” by Anick Jesdanun at AP via Charlotte Observer. “The good news: I didn’t get arrested for failing to pay my debts. But on two occasions, friends had to buy me drinks. Another night I had to borrow $43 in cash. And I prepaid for drinks at one bar because I couldn’t leave a card to keep the tab open.” Read more
“Chocoholics beware! A chocolate shortage looms” by Javier E. David at CNBC. “The Post cited data showing the world ate more than 70,000 metric tons of cocoa than it produced in 2013. By 2020, the two major chocolate manufacturers believe that deficit could burgeon to more than a million, a whopping 14-fold surge. By 2030, the gap could blow out to 2 million metric tons.” Read more
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