Tipsheet: Amazon Health-Care Fade | Costco Bees | Marcus Headache | Norah/Bezos Iview


Amazon’s Push in Health-Care Supply Chain Has Faded, UBS Says by Tatiana Darie at Bloomberg. “UBS’s survey found that while hospitals still expect to increase their supply purchases through Amazon over the next three years, the percentage of respondents in talks for sourcing agreements with Amazon has declined to 7% from 11% last year. The bank surveyed 100 purchasing managers.” Tiered subs.


Shopping Can Make You Famous by Sanam Yar at NY Times. “Bella McFadden’s thrift-store finds have gained her a following of Gen Z shoppers who hunger for the ’90s they never experienced…Sales…have taken off on the popular e-commerce app, where she has more than 500,000 followers who admire her early-aughts aesthetics. They long to be styled by her. They know her as Internet Girl.” Tiered subs.


Facebook has become the storefront for direct-to-consumer brands by Adam Kleinberg at Ad Age. “The dirty truth about DTC is that it’s actually FTC: Facebook-to-consumer. According to (Jen) Tank, “It’s like trying to get into an exclusive club to meet cool people you want to have a relationship with, but you have to pay a friend of a friend to get you through the door.” Tiered subs.


Walmart heirs continue to downsize company holdings by Kim Souza at Talk Business. Read more


Home Depot shoppers threaten boycott over Trump-supporting co-founder by Chris Perez at NY Post. “The hashtag #BoycottHomeDepot went viral on Monday night as more and more people got word of Marcus’ support for Trump…Conservative author Nick Adams wrote: “I love how liberals are trying to boycott a store we all know they never go to.” Read more


$15 minimum wage would boost pay for 17 million but 1.3 million would lose their jobs, CBO says at CNBC. Read more


The Inside Story of Kim Kardashian West’s Billion-Dollar Shapewear Bet by Christina Binkley at Wall Street Journal. “At the time, it didn’t occur to anyone that there might be a widespread public backlash against trademarking the (Kimono) name of a ceremonial Japanese garment to use for a line of undergarments. “You would think we would have obviously thought it through a little bit deeper,” Kardashian West said.” WSJ subs.


Lidl to install over 4,000 solar panels at distribution facility in Ireland at CNBC. “Lidl said its new investment would mean that more than one-quarter of its energy requirements in Ireland would come from solar power.” Read more


**A message from Simple Golf Products – Get in on the golf sales comeback! The 3-Foot Circle® trains golfers to consistently hit the ball to within 3 feet of the cup and to master the 3-foot putt. Video/Website | Samples:


Lowe’s could get over $72 million in taxpayer incentives for new Charlotte tech hub by Katherine Peralta at Charlotte Observer. “Lowe’s has said it plans to create 1,600 jobs and bring about another 400 over from its headquarters office…Lowe’s is spending $153 million on the project, and the facility is slated to open in 2021.” Facility renderings/Read more


Tracy Anderson Partners With Barneys New York on Exclusive Fitness Capsule by Lisa Lockwood at WWD. WWD subs.


Lawsuit ruling over dog leash purchased on Amazon could greatly impact third-party seller business by Kurt Schlosser at GeekWire. “Amazon has argued that it is protected under the 1996 Communications Decency Act…But the Appeals court ruled that those protections do not apply in this case.” Read more


Norah O’Donnell to Interview Jeff Bezos for ‘CBS Evening News’ Kickoff by Brian Steinberg at Variety. “The anchor will hold a joint interview with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and former U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy in which they discuss the future of space exploration…O’Donnell is expected to interview both executives during her debut next Monday on “Evening News”…” Read more


Target Reveals First Look at Target Deal Days Press release


Costco parking lot abuzz after swarm of bees touches down by Morgan Modjeski at CBC News. “Photos of the swarm shared on social media showed a large part of the passenger side of a Ford F-150 covered in the insects. John Hildebrandt, the truck’s owner, said he’d never seen anything like it, estimating there were thousands of bees on his truck, which was parked at the Market Drive location.” Pics/Read more


Tipsheet Extra Stories

Lawyers bring fight to Sheetz over sales tax on mineral water

Juul arms to fight sweeping e-cig ban on its home turf

Jeff Bezos binges “Stranger Things” on Sunday with his kids

YouTube launches on Fire TV, ending dispute between Amazon and Google

From Nazis to hippies: End of the road for Volkswagen Beetle

Oakland City Councilman wants to close street near Home Depot due to crime

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