Wednesday Tipsheet: Lilly Pulitzer’s ‘Fat-Shaming’ | Wmart ‘Primer Fighter’ Site Leaks | Roz Brewer #65 Most Powerful Woman
Lilly Pulitzer called out for fat-shaming by Mara Siegler at NY Post. “Along with shots of Lilly products and staff, the site showed a wall decorated with a drawing of a woman with sagging fat in a bikini that says, “Put it down carb face.” The other says, “Just another day of fat, white and hideous. You should probably just kill yourself.” Read more
…See the pics here.
BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Brands 2015 (Amazon #14, Walmart #26, Home Depot #31…) See the top 100 list
Leaked Site Reveals More Info On “ShippingPass” – Walmart’s Answer To Amazon Prime by Sarah Perez at TechCrunch. “During the brief time the link was live, shoppers were able to sign up and even place orders using ShippingPass, and were able to see which types of items were included in the new program, as well as which geographies ShippingPass served, among other things. They also found that the service would include free shipping on a number of items beyond those that could ship in three days’ time.” Read more
Lowe’s Fails To Man Up Against Home Depot, Underestimates Menards by Pam Goodfellow at Forbes. “Lowe’s shares of male AND female shoppers have dipped while Home Depot has gained. Currently, Lowe’s shopper deficit stands at -10% among both genders (versus the comparable three month rolling average recorded in May 2013), while Home Depot has gained nearly 5% among that profitable male demographic.” Read more
Wal-Mart to add assistant managers to each of its 2,500+ US Walmart Tire & Lube Express centers by Kim Souza at The City Wire. “We began testing this back in 2012 in a couple of stores and it was gradually expanded to 600 stores. Now we are in the process of rolling it out nationwide because the tests have proven greater customer service,” Wal-Mart spokesman Kory Lundberg told The City Wire.” Read more
Forbes Most Powerful Women 2015 (Rosalind Brewer #65…one spot behind Taylor Swift) See the top 100 list
Whole Foods’ John Mackey: Sell something your customers want to buy by David Whitford at Chicago Tribune. “In 1994, as he was turning 40, Mackey asked his father to resign. “The hardest thing I’ve ever done,” Mackey says. “I had to overcome a lot of fear, because I was dependent on my dad, emotionally and intellectually. I knew it hurt him a lot — he felt rejected — so I felt guilty. It was a painful decision, and that pain lasted a while.” Read more
We tried everything at the Costco and Sam’s Club food courts. Here’s who won at The Daily Herald. See the winner
99 Cents Only Stores Announces Chairman of Board of Directors Andrew Giancamilli as New Interim President & CEO Read the release
Claim: Wal-Mart employs more people in China than every Chinese company combined employs in the US by Tim Fernholz at Quartz. Read more
American Apparel Chairwoman Colleen Brown’s $2.5M Seattle-area manse hits the market by Patti Payne at Puget Sound Business Journal. See the 23 pics
Tipsheet Extra
Petsmart Part Ways with Ad Agency After Less Than Seven Months
Ace Hardware Supports Bees
Are Tesla’s pop-up stores Musk’s secret weapon?
Peter Thiel-backed VC firm backs Granify, a crystal-ball-like retail tech startup
Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH Enters the Downtown Market with First Metropolitan Store Location in San Francisco
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